

Top Entry Ball Valves

Trunnion mounted spring energized seats

Our trunnion mounted top entry high performance ball valves are engineered to meet international standards like API 6A, API 6D, ASME B16.34, ISO 17292 and others on request. The range contains both soft, metal or composite seats that can be configured with single or double piston effect to provide an effective double block and bleed (DB&B) in both closed and, on request, in open position.

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  • ANSI flanges:ANSI B16.5 for sizes up to 24”
  • ANSI B16.47 for sizes 26” and larger
    • NORSOK L-005
    • All major hub end designs available

    • Butt welding to ANSI B16.25 or equivalent Socket welding to ASME B16.11 Pup pieces available on request
    • Nominal pipe size 1/2” through 60” (DN15 through DN150
    • ANSI Class 150 through 2500 and 4500
    • API 2000 through 15000
    • From -196°C to 650°C (-321°F to 1200°F)